By applying some of these simple tips, you may find your daily productivity naturally increases making work a more pleasurable place to be whilst increasing the time you have to spend with family and friends.
- Set certain times when you will check email.
- Load an auto reply stating you only check emails at these times and if the matter is urgent to call your office or mobile.
- Turn off email when outside of these times.
- Ensure every meeting has a clearly defined agenda and purpose.
- If there is no agenda or purpose, speak to the chairperson and ask why you need to be involved.
- Do not always accept meeting requests.
- What is the best use of your time.
- Every meeting should follow the 3D’s Discuss, debate, and decide.
Diary management
- Allocate white space (free time) during each day.
- Schedule your activity to deliver quality outcomes.
- Do not allow double booking.
Mobile phone
- Only take work related calls unless it is an emergency.
- Avoid using Apps that are not work related
- Turn off notifications while at work so you are not distracted by personal matters
Work location
- Within reason, find a work location that increases your productivity
- Know your productivity peaks and troughs and use these windows of opportunity.
- Know your distraction peaks and troughs and manage your workload around them.
Utilise AI
- It may assist you in refocusing.
- It may improve your productivity.
- It may assist in innovative solutions.