Recent global issues have transformed the modern workplace into a complex, hybrid environment.

Consequently, burnout is a bigger risk than ever.

Work requirements mean employees need to be at the top of their game. They must be well-equipped to manage high workloads, undertake complex problem solving and meet competing deadlines all whilst remaining focused on delivering a quality outcome.

With the ever changing environment and demands placed on our people, their mental wellbeing and capabilities are crucial to any organisation maximising its effectiveness.

Some of the contributing factors to consider for improving workplace productivity may include;

  • Mental wellbeing
  • Workforce capability
  • Tools and technology
  • Supporting workspaces
  • Work practices

The question remains, “What can we do to improve our workplace productivity?”

Here are some suggestions for your consideration.

Enabling and encouraging focus time

This involves people blocking out two hours of uninterrupted time to focus attention on completing complex tasks where there are no meetings, no phone calls, and no chats.

Not only does this improve productivity but it also develops a deeper level of thinking thus improving innovation, quality, and efficiency.

Improve the effectiveness of meetings.

Many meetings are long and unstructured with no clear objective leading to a gathering of people rather than a well orchestrated event.

All meetings must have a detailed agenda, invite only people that add value to the meeting or are impacted by the decision that will be made and must follow the 3D’s – Discuss, Debate, and Decide.

At the end of all meetings their must be a list of actions that will be done that make a difference to the people and the company.

Improve the email etiquette.

By applying some very simple rules to your email methodology, you will significantly increase your productivity.

  1. Dedicate certain times of the day for emails. Add an auto reply stating you only check emails at certain times and if the matter is urgent please call. At all other times turn off your email.
  2. Only send emails to people that must be copied. There is a tendency to CC and BCC so many people and this is nothing more than a distraction to those recipients.
  3. Consider phone calls or face to face discussions as this can generally deliver a faster outcome than multiple emails being sent back and forth.

Ensure leaders make their people feel safe.

  1. Regular one-on-one check-ins between leaders and the team provide employees with opportunity to discuss their challenges.
  2. It in an opportunity to build rapport, respect, and loyalty from your people.

Give your people more control over flexibility.

  1. Generally speaking, your people know how to deliver a quality result but are often limited by policies, processes, or politics. Your role as a leader is to allow them flexibility to deliver the output in a way they feel delivers the right result.
  2. Delegate authority and accountability by letting your people take full responsibility for their work.

Leverage relationships.

  1. Encourage your team build and leverage relationships within the company. Help them understand the more they interact with others the bigger picture they see and thus improve their productivity towards their own work and the work of others.
  2. In addition to internal relationships, encourage your people to seek external relationships and to conduct their own global benchmarking to see what can be done differently.

In order for any of these suggestions to deliver the productivity improvements we all seek, they must be owned and championed by the senior leaders within the company. They must lead by example and demonstrate their full commitment to making the changes to deliver a quality outcome.

Getting this right will improve our employee mental wellbeing, grow the workplace culture, make work a fun place to be, all whilst improving productivity and efficiency of the company – and isn’t that what we all want!