Coaching for One (CfO) is a newly released product by RdL following successful completion of the pilot program.

The principal is very clean and simple, purchase a coaching package and receive dedicated 1 on 1 executive and personal/life development coaching to build your skills, raise your awareness, improve your relationships (both professional and personal), improve communication, set and achieve stretch goals and have a positive mindset, overcoming any perceived demons or roadblocks.

We successfully completed the pilot group with over 30 participants over the past 12 months (across 4 countries) and it has proven to be extremely successful with all participants realising greater levels of reward and satisfaction in both their professional and personal lives.

People have shifted their mindsets and have a positive outlook in life thus breeding success for them in all that they do.

Coaching is not just about professional development but about helping people realise their full potential, resulting in a positive mindset, delivering success, feeling satisfied and energetic about themselves, and most importantly, being happy with who they are.

Coaching for One can be used in business if you want to grow your core leadership skills, or it can be used in your personal life if you wish to grow and develop as a person and see the good in life.

As different people have different needs, we have developed the below options.


Platinum Pack

15 CfO sessions

Sessions conducted weekly or fortnightly

After hours options available

Includes Everything DiSC Management (where applicable)

Unlimited email or phone support[1]


Gold Class

10 CfO sessions

Sessions conducted weekly or fortnightly

After hours options available

Includes Everything DiSC Workplace (where applicable)

2 hours of email and phone support per month


Silver Service

6 CfO sessions

Sessions conducted weekly or fortnightly

After hours options available

1 hour of email or phone support per month



Coaching sessions are via video conferencing unless otherwise agreed

If it is for professional development, DiSC may be applicable

Prices are ex GST (if applicable)

Airfares, transfers, per diem, and accommodation at client expense

Travel day costs may be added where travel cannot be completed within a day

Discounted rate is for the first booking only

[1] Unlimited is within reason and cannot exceed 5 hours per month without potential further charges