Fingertip consulting is a new concept initiated by RdL to assist businesses and start-ups get the results they need in an affordable, cash flow conscious way.

Rather than avoiding professional advice, or needing to dig deep to afford high-cost management consulting, RdL is launching Fingertip Consulting Services that makes it all very achievable.

RdL has been testing this service with specific clients and due to its high success rate, we have decided to launch it to the market as people need support, but also need to manage their cash flow.

The concept is simple, for a small monthly fee you get the benefit of either face to face or online video coaching and face to face consulting at your premises^ at agreed intervals. You may also have the option of joining the RdL Leadership Masterclasses~.

As different people and businesses have different needs, we have developed the following options.

Platinum Pack

1 day consulting per month – face to face

30 video coaching sessions per year

Unlimited email or phone support*

Unlimited Masterclass access

Gold Class

1 day consulting every 2 months – face to face

20 video coaching sessions per year

2 hours of email and phone support per month

5 Masterclasses

Silver Service

1 day consulting per quarter – face to face

10 video coaching sessions per year

1 hour of email or phone support per month

2 Masterclasses


As an introductory offer, the first 20 people/companies that buy the Fingertip Consulting packs will receive a 20% discount. For a limited time only so be quick.

Please email or call us for pricing details or to further discuss your consulting needs


*Unlimited is within reason and cannot exceed 5 hours per month without potential further charges.

^ Airfares, transfers, per diem, accommodation and any other travel expenses at client expense.

~ Masterclass calendar will be updated and shared with all participating clients.

Prices are ex GST (if applicable)

A further discount of 10% can be applied if paid in advance as a yearly package

Travel day costs may be added where travel cannot be completed within a day

Discounted rate is for the first 6 months only