During the months of September and October 2021, RdL assisted the world’s second largest gold mining company develop their online induction program for over 3,000 employees for one of their operations.

Consisting of videos, voice over, slides and a randomised quiz at the end of each module, the business is now set up to assess and closely manage and monitor the results of their people from their desks.

The heavy burden and risks of face to face facilitation during the pandemic highlighted to the company that an online solution was the best way forward.

RdL received their content, reviewed it, and enhanced the learning outcomes and transformed it into an online learning modular system where employees globally can log into the site, complete a section, or the entire program, complete the quizzes and receive their completion certificate all before setting foot on site.

What was a traditional 2 day induction program with 12 modules, each with a senior member of the team presenting, is now largely done online. The only exception are site specific elements that will continue to be done onsite once the employee arrives on location.

The General Manager kicks off the program with a personalised Video to all participants which is a nice personal touch.

Trainees have the ability to reflect and review the modules as many times as they like and refresh their knowledge even after they have started their role. With the quizzes being randomised, it means trainees cannot copy paste answers and help others pass without doing the knowledge element of the module.

This has been a huge success for the company and increases their efficiency significantly and enables them to maintain electronic training records of all participants.

Once launched and the handover complete, the client could choose to fully manage in-house or may opt for RdL to continue the partnership and help deliver a highly successful learning experience.

If you would like RdL to assist you with your online learning solution, please email or call for a detailed discussion.