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What led to your success as a senior manager and leader?

How does one become a successful manager – my journey is no different from any young aspiring senior manager potential

My journey starts from within, being confident, demonstrate adaptability, humbled to inspire trust, courageous in time of crisis and always drive for results.

I knew I was an action- oriented individual like anyone, but I knew I had to develop my industry intellect, foster open communication skills, manage processes and coach & counsel people. This process took a long while, most times it did not balance with my passions, restricted my trust of my capabilities, left good companies and taking risks & challenges.

I do not aspire to be a leader but how I manage is important that I anchor my attitudes and management skills of leadership qualities into my day to day efforts at the workplace.

These anchor points include motivating employees & minorities, building business, push my limits on organisational relationships, leading with versatility, driving for stakeholder successes and taking some risks.

Leadership will always remind myself about my behaviors, how my profile influences desires and outcomes, how I get the best out of my people.


What do you feel are the 3 most important leadership qualities?

There is a long list of Leadership qualities but are game changers for me in this order

  1. Accountability – simply I am accountable for my teams performances, shortfalls and successes.
  2. Per Peter Drucker – management is about doing the right things and leaders is about doing things right.

I try to set this across all levels of my personal pathways and career.

  1. Being honest – is a quality that can be defined differently on various levels but I am an opportunist and choose to work on whatever executive platform I offered to influence better outcomes. I know personally one can achieve honest and trusted outcomes more than the executives in the boardroom.


What advice do you have for dealing with a crisis?

Well, we are now in a lot of uncertainty because of a foreign influence that has impacted millions of lives some sadly have deceased from it. COVID19 is so foreign it is a disaster, a crisis, a terrorism, a virus but whatever it is. It is the worst of all crisis in our lifetime.

It is a great example. This Global pandemic allowed aspiring leaders and executives to see through the same window of the same issue being managed so differently highlighting the conservative, the emphatic, the non- visionary, the lack of leadership, shortsightedness and the lack of trust leadership.

The past 2 months was like a tsunami of Leadership Qualities & Styles labeled and book cased onto shelves in a library overnight. This crisis has highlighted so many levels of Leadership or lack of Leadership.

So what advice do I have in time of crisis, simply find a leadership team of advisors and experts, listen and motivate key stakeholders by frame by frame of what the Crisis & the Desired outcomes are, establish key leaders within the team and determine a framework of Execution of things that has to happen, Show empathy, Listen attentively, Understand the relationships needed internal & external and Empower stakeholders.

Apply seasoned and good common -sense judgement.


What is your top tip for future and up and coming leaders?

Leadership qualities does not necessarily come from Institutions of Higher Learning

At the start I did mention it starts from within, you are your own host and director of your journey?

There are different types of Leaderships that is very rewarding & self gratifying but I prefer DiSC leadership concepts and applications

Dominant         Inspiring            Supportive               Caringly Cautious