We all know the person in the company that shows great proactivity. They have this natural tendency to seek out what they feel needs to be done and dive in head first to get it done.
This is great if everything they do is in line with the corporate strategy, but as we have all experienced, this is not always the case.
So what is the solution for these people?
If we choose to hold them back they will get frustrated, potentially do this behind our backs or even worse, they may resign and leave a big gap in our company.
On the other hand, if we let then go without any controls they may compromise profitability, impact customer experience, or worse, risk people’s safety.
As great leaders we need to identify and nurture these people. Determine their business mindset and risk profile and then set shared guidelines that both parties feel will deliver the best overall result.
We need to be flexible and open minded and ensure we continually monitor our people to ensure they are getting the right direction at the right time.
We hope that with the right coaching and guidance they build their business mindset meaning we can relax our guidelines with them.
No matter what you do as a leader, you must determine what is best for the company and the specific person to ensure that not only we grow our people, but as a result of their proactive approach, the company grows as well.