We see it time and time again, senior managers thinking they are the only ones who know how to fix what may be wrong. The reality is that the people who are doing the doing day after day are the ones in the best position to share with management what could be done to fix it or make it better.
Failure by management to listen to their employees leads to a culture where employees just give up sharing because no one ever listens to them.
Recent work carried out by RdL proved that where management are open and listen to their employees, there is significant improvement in operation efficiency leading to increased profits.
One client went as far as having a monthly morning tea for a selected group of employees (rotated monthly) where all the CEO did was ask what we could be doing differently. The CEO never tried to justify anything, simply took notes and then took action to fix it. The culture within this workplace sky rocketed due to the openness and the building of trust and understanding.
The reality is 90% of our employees are passionate about wanting to do a great job and helping the company to success, reality is the leaders block this much of the time. Simply by creating a culture where staff feel safe will create trust and understanding and increase overall efficiencies and effectiveness.
What are you doing to build trust and understanding and to demonstrate to your staff that you are listening?