In business, we spend millions or billions investing in our equipment in an attempt to become more efficient and ultimately more profitable.

Reality is, without our people effectively operating this equipment we get nothing.

A person’s willingness to help or hinder a company to be successful largely stems from the environment that is being created for the people – otherwise known as Workplace Culture.

If we invest a fraction of the money we invest in equipment into creating great leaders and making an amazing workplace culture we will see and experience excellence.

RdL was commissions by a client to fix a manufacturing plant in Melbourne. The company had recently invested over $250m in new equipment yet the outputs were not there. Engineers had done all the time in motion studies that showed it was possible – what was the missing link.

Well it was quite easy to see, it was the people.

People had not been taken on the journey of change and this altered the workplace culture. People felt they had no value to add and had not been trained effectively in the new equipment. As a result, they were doing what they thought was right but were in fact adjusting the machines which in turn significantly impacted quality and volume.

Within 3 months of RdL’s involvement, the plant was operating at full capacity and products were being exported as planned – making the profits the company had hoped for.

Do you have similar problems at your workplace?

Are you finding your Workplace Culture is impacting on quality outputs?

Do you want a simple solution to make it all better?

Why not give us a call and we can discuss?